
Georgia Funders’ Forum

Organizations and communities are always in need of funds for projects related to water resources. And funding agencies, who provide those funds in the form of grants or loans, are often in need of relevant applicants.

To connect these various funding programs with one another and to provide a place where potential applicants can find information about financing options, we convene and facilitate a quarterly meeting of agencies that fund water development projects in Georgia. The funders learn from each other, but they also benefit from guests who speak on topics selected by the funders themselves. Together they discover how to create more efficient and effective ways to distribute limited dollars for water projects in Georgia.

Click below to access a table with the latest version of public sources of water, wastewater, and stormwater funding.

Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Funding Table

Click below to access a table with the latest version of sources for septic system repair and replacement funding options.

Septic Funding Table
